Thursday, November 18, 2010

Conceive And Achieve

What we can conceive, we can achieve!

This is a great video of Napoleon Hill talking about success secrets he learned from Dale Carnegie. Success is all based on what you think. Enjoy!

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs. Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support for new awareness, new choices and new results.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tony Robbins on Motivation in a Slump

Tony Robbins is one of my favourite personal improvement experts. In this clip, he talks about the importance of being emotionally fit. Emotional fitness gives us the ability to keep our business and life moving forward.

How emotionally fit are you? Do you let your emotions get the better of you? How is this affecting your business? How is this affecting your life?

Emotional fitness skills can be learned. In 1 session, I can give you a key tool for developing your emotional fitness!

To learn more, call Laura Watson toll free at: 877-669-8684 or email her at:

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs. Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support for new awareness, new choices and new results.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Google CEO Endorses Coaching


I recently came across this short clip of Google CEO endorsing coaching. Please take a look:

So, do you have a coach? If you do, please share what you love about being coached.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Marshall Ennis Shares Leadership Wisdom


I recently attended a business conference and had the pleasure of meeting World Record Holder and International Strongman, Marshall Ennis. He shared some leadership wisdom with us that I'd like to share with you. Enjoy and please share with your friends!

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching International., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs so they can create success on purpose! Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support to accelerate your business and personal growth.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are You Ready To Be Your Best?

You are the most influential leader of your business and your life!
So many of us under-estimate our abilities. Do you have someone in your life who holds you to a higher standard? Are you ready for that? 

How would your life be different if you had someone beside you, helping you be the best you can be?

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs so they can create success on purpose! Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support to accelerate your business and personal growth.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stop Your Downward Spiral Now!

The #1 Way To Get "Unstuck" And Shift Into Forward Action

Last week I started a coaching session with a client by asking Bill (not his real name) how he was doing. He said, "fine" with a tone that told me otherwise. When I challenged Bill he responded, "you're right, I'm frustrated, irritable and having bouts of uncontrollable rage". Then, with a chuckle, he tried to make light of his coping strategies of "driving like a maniac (140 to meetings" and his plan to drink 40 oz of whiskey on the weekend (instead of his usual 26 oz). It was clear. Bill was stuck in a downward spiral of self-sabotage that was putting him, his business and others at risk. He needed to switch out of his destructive pattern and back into his constructive patterns again. Bill even knew he was in a downward spiral, he felt out of control and he didn't know how to switch back again.

How many times has this been you? How much time, energy and money have you wasted being stuck? How many relationship or partnerships have you damaged? How many times have you realized you're in a downward spiral and you don't know how to get out?

Getting unstuck is a skill we can learn like any other. First we need to recognize the pattern, know what to do when it happens and then apply the skill. And, just like learning yoga or golf, it's easier and more effective the more we practice. In order to help Bill get "unstuck", I introduced him to the "switching model".

The Switching Model:

Original Source Of Model: Personal Best Seminars

Understanding The Switching Model:

The Downward Spiral:

Everything starts with an EVENT. The downward spiral is triggered when we resist the event. Our resistance leads to an automatic negative emotional reaction. This reaction is based on some limiting beliefs we hold (whether or not we are conscious of them). We react with some automatic behavior (ie. defensiveness, anger, confrontation, drinking) that leave us feeling worse. The downward spiral has begun. We feel stressed, irritable and out of control. This downward spiral is our self-sabotaging pattern in action.

This spiral typically keeps spinning and we can sabotage our selves for days, weeks and months. This spiral keeps looping around and down until the negative feelings eventually dissipate over time. Meanwhile, we feel miserable, we lose sleep, we over eat, we over-react to people (damaging relationships) and we often use vices as coping mechanisms. A lot of time, money and energy is wasted while reinforcing the limiting beliefs that started the cycle in the first place.

Constructive Pattern:

Getting unstuck requires us to return to the event. The key now is to see the event merely as words or actions with no meaning attached (ie. not our judgement or the meaning we assumed). When we do this, we can see the event as being neutral. We can accept the event for merely being an event, with no meaning attached and we can initiate our constructive behavior patterns again. It's important to remember that we may not always be able to control the events around us, but we can always choose how we respond to them. Once we shift ourselves back into a positive place of choice, we feel in control, confident and calm. We resume being productive and constructive.

Once Bill reframed his interpretation of the events upsetting him, he reaped the benefits immediately. His rage and frustration dissipated, his creativity opened up and we created a plan together for how he would approach an important meeting that afternoon. In a follow up call, Bill felt excited for hosting a successful meeting, he had not received any speeding tickets and he enjoyed his weekend with his family.

We all have an amazing ability to choose how we view events around us and choose how we let them affect us, destructively or constructively. A key role of a professional coach is to help people develop mastery over the ability to apply choice. When we apply the power of choice, the average destructive to constructive cycle-time shifts from days to minutes or even moments. Less time, energy and money is wasted and the positive impact can be huge!

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs so they can create success on purpose! Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support to accelerate your business and personal growth.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zig Ziglar Shares His Wisdom

Enjoy this fundamental wisdom I received from Zig at a recent conference. If the rest of the world followed this advice, it would be a much better world!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Step Up Your Leadership: Give the gift of great feedback

I have adopted a great belief from my husband; “feedback is the breakfast of champions”.  At first, I didn’t “get it”, but I have learned that receiving feedback is a powerful gift for personal and professional growth and that giving feedback effectively, makes for more effective leadership and is key to powerful working relationships.

I did not always share this perspective. For many years I didn’t fully understand or appreciate this point of view because for me, feedback (a.k.a. criticism) was something I dreaded and avoided. I didn’t want to hear it and I definitely didn’t want to give it. However, I am pleased to report that I have moved from being a feedback avoider to recently being crowned the “Feedback Queen”.

Having benefited from giving and receiving powerful feedback, I now enjoy coaching leaders to do the same. The results are remarkable! These leaders experience less stress and conflict, their teams are more productive, their company morale strengthens, and their relationships at home with their spouse and children improve dramatically. Given the huge difference effective feedback can make, and given how often this issue comes up, it makes sense to share the secrets of effective feedback with you now…

Give feedback about behaviour, not your judgment of it

This is the first and most important consideration that makes or breaks effective feedback delivery. Often our decision to give feedback is triggered by feelings of anger, frustration, hurt or annoyance we feel towards another person. These feelings are triggered when someone does something and we judge or interpret the actions negatively. We make up a story about what the other person’s behaviour means and we react to it with defensiveness, annoyance, anger or even sarcasm. Giving effective feedback relies on our ability to separate the other person’s actions (facts) from our story (judgment) of the facts. With this clarity, our own heated emotions usually dissipate and we are better prepared to give effective feedback.

Decide when to give feedback

Give feedback any time someone says or does something that affects you, positively or negatively. Most of us avoid giving feedback and hate receiving it because it’s only offered when something negative happens. A great way to learn effective feedback delivery is to practice giving it during the good times! When your staff member says or does something that makes a difference in your day (i.e. takes initiative to send out some billings so you don’t have to), give feedback (according the steps listed below). Tell that person what a difference his actions made for you.

Use feedback to create mutual understanding

Giving effective feedback is not about seeking agreement from another person, it’s about helping someone hear what we have to say without him defending himself, dismissing the information or making a counter-attack. Our emphasis is on understanding each other better. Remember, we all wander around the world, experiencing it from our own perspective. We forget that we all have different and unique ways of experiencing situations and events. Giving feedback helps others see better how their words and actions affect the people around them, which uncovers blind spots and helps them decide whether or not they want to change their behaviour.

Steps for being a feedback Queen (or King):

Step 1: Ask permission

No matter what your relationship is with the feedback recipient, sincerely ask if you may, “offer and idea”, “thank you for something” or “clear an issue”. Asking permission demonstrates respect for the other person and paves the way for their openness to hearing what you have to say.

Step 2: Share your intention for the feedback

Why are you offering this feedback?  Is your intention to strengthen the relationship? Do you need to get an issue off your chest that is holding you back from doing business with this person? Do you want to help someone improve his performance? Being clear about our intention, and sharing this, increases
our chances us success and continues to keep the recipient open to hearing it.

Step 3: Describe the facts

Facts are words said and/or behaviours demonstrated (not our judgment of them). Spoken and written words that can be quoted are facts. Actions that could be videotaped are facts (i.e. when you sent the invoicing out without being asked). Describing the facts of the situation helps the recipient understand specifically and clearly what the feedback is referring to. By eliminating our judgment of the facts, emotion is removed and we reduce the likelihood of provoking defensiveness.

Step 4: Describe your feelings or story about the facts

Explain how the other person’s words or actions affected you or the story or judgment you made up about their behaviour. It’s important to stay accountable, take ownership and use I-language (this will help decrease defensiveness and maintain receptivity in the listener). For example, we might say to a business partner, “when you told me the other day that you made this decision without talking to me, I felt disregarded. Making these kinds of decisions without me feels disrespectful and does not feel collaborative to me”.  The recipient of this feedback might not like hearing it, but chances are he will be more open to hearing the message and willing to stay engaged to solve the problem.

Are you ready to step up your leadership?

Feedback is a tremendous gift we can learn to give others. Creativity, connection, collaboration, productivity, innovation, and problem solving all improve when companies give and seek out meaningful feedback. And these improvements foster accelerated progress in business and in life. I challenge you to become the Feedback Queen or King in your business!

To Step Up your leadership abilities, call Laura Watson at: 877-669-8684 for a free coaching consult. You can also email her:

Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides Business Coaching , and Life and Leadership coaching programs to entrepreneurs so they create success without sacrifice! Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support to accelerate your business and personal growth.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Help Me Help My Clients

My clients and the work they are doing is very important to me! I believe in my clients and I love being able to play a small part in helping them be successful!

Jennifer Chipperfield is an amazing photographer and artist. She has a unique gift for seeing the essence of her clients and drawing this out through the artistic portraiture she creates. Her work is emotional and breath-taking!

We have a chance to help Jennifer raise awareness of her amazing work by voting for her image in a magazine cover contest.

Please click on the link below to see a prime example of Jennifer's work and then vote.

Vote for my client's entry in the 2010 Professional Photographer Magazine Cover Contest

You can learn more about Jennifer and see more of her work on her own website at:

Thanks for helping me help an amazing woman and gifted artist!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Join the March to 1000 Referrals Initiative!

This past week, my business coaching sessions have focused on what we can do to build our businesses. Everyone seems to have a bit of Spring Fever and seems raring to go!

Everyone I met with wants to build alliances, and get referrals.

Well, folks, you gotta be willing to give if you want to get.  So, I decided to make it easy for all of us to pass along referrals. Join us in the March to 1000 Referrals Initiative!

This is the place to publicly demonstrate your commitment to the small business referral program!

Here’s how you can participate:
1) Click on the "Comment" tab below this post.

2) In the pop-up box, enter your referral with a brief description of why this person or company is so great. Be sure to add the full URL (http://www......) of the business so others can easily learn more about the business you referred. 

3) Sign your post with your own name and business URL so people can check out your company too!

4) Click on the "Share It" icon and forward this opportunity to your friends and colleagues.

5) Click on the "Subscribe" icon to receive automatic updates of all the referrals people make!

Have fun and I'll keep you posted on our progress. (wouldn't it be great to exceed 1000!)


Monday, March 8, 2010

8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner

I'm always looking for information and tools to help business owners accelerate their success!

Click on the link below to learn how to monitor what the world is saying about you and your business.

Have Fun! Laura

8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are You Being Effective?

When my daughter was 3 years old, her personality and individuality really started to shine. This is a nice way of saying that she didn’t always want to do what I wanted her do and we were power struggling with each other. Said most accountably, however, I must admit that I was one who was power struggling, she was just being 3 years old.

One day, during one of our power struggles, I had a moment I will never forget. I was trying to make my daughter do something (I can’t even remember what) and suddenly I heard my father’s tone and words coming out of my mouth. I stopped cold. What a flashback! I couldn’t believe what just happened. I sounded just like my father. I knew I was not parenting effectively in this moment and I knew that over time, power struggling was not going to be a long-term effective strategy. I realized I needed to do something different.

This “aha” moment was the catalyst that helped me find the book that changed my life. While browsing the library shelves shortly after my epiphany, I stumbled across Parent Effectiveness Training, by Dr. Thomas Gordon. The title resonated with me because I knew I wanted to be a more effective parent. Little did I realize this book, combined with conscious, consistent application of its tools and skills would transform my parenting, my marriage, my career and help me be a better, more effective person.

Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible ChildrenParent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) and its business counter-part Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) points out how we inadvertently create roadblocks in our communication, which sabotage the effectiveness of our relationships. Once we see the roadblocks we are using and how ineffective they are (I was using 8 out of 12 of them), these books teach us what to do different. These books illustrate the skills to create happy, healthy, effective relationships at home and at the office!

I liked this book so much, that 1 week after reading it I enrolled in a certification program so I could teach it. Since then, I have taught hundreds of parents how to use the skills and I consciously practice the skills every day with my family and clients. The skills work! My marriage is happier, my relationship with my children is strong and my children have effective communication skills—no more power struggling!

Leader Effectiveness Training L.E.T.: The Proven People Skills for Today's Leaders TomorrowRepeatedly in my business coaching sessions, my clients share the challenges they experience in their relationships with business partners, team members, clients and families. Everyone seems to want to make their relationships more effective, they just don’t know how. So repeatedly I advise my clients to read P.E.T or any one of the spin-off books; Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.), Sales Effectiveness Training (S.E.T.) or Be Your Best. The results can be amazing! Our business and our life can be happier, more effective and more successful when we step up and learn the skills to make it happen.

Sales Effectiveness Training: The Breakthrough Method to Become Partners with Your CustomersMy daughter is now 13 years old. She has a playful personality and she is a strong, independent thinker. We respect each other, listen to each other and communicate openly. I feel blessed to have such a great relationship with my daughter and I’m thankful that I woke up and put the effort into learning and practicing how to be more effective.

How could your life and business be different if you did the same?

Laura Watson is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides Business Coaching, Life and Leadership coaching programs to entrepreneurs so they create success without sacrifice! Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support to accelerate your business and personal growth.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Introducing Social Media

Are you considering using Social Media to promote yourself and/or your business?

Are you overwhelmed, trying to decide how to keep up with Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter?

Millions of people are using social media and it's easy to jump in, not knowing how to best benefit from the opportunity social media represents.

I recently created and shared this presentation that I hope you will find interesting and helpful.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Are You Creating Success Without Sacrifice?

I define my higher purpose as "being the best I can be". This is what I strive to be myself, it's what I support my husband and children to do and it's my drive and motivation for the work I do with clients. I think the world would be a much better place if we all desired and worked towards "being our best".

"Being our best" can mean a variety of things. For professional athletes, it could mean winning the gold. For business owners, it could mean building a multi-million dollar business. I define "being my best" as creating Success Without Sacrifice. Success without sacrifice means I pursue success in ALL areas of my life; successful business, successful marriage, successful family, successful health and leisure. I believe we can have it all and success without sacrifice means we pursue professional success without sacrificing any of the rest of our lives. This does not mean I think I have achieved it yet. Success without sacrifice is, I believe, a worthy goal and one worth pursuing.

Too many of us are pursuing success at all costs. While climbing our corporate ladders and building our businesses, we allow ourselves to get stressed out, burned out, over weight, under-rested, under-nourished and disconnected. And we justify it, convincing ourselves that all the sacrifices will be worthwhile, that our families will forgive us for missing important events, and we tell ourselves we will make up for lost time and recover once we reach our goal. Problem is, the goal is elusive. It's like the horizon. While we continuously take steps towards it, it seems to keep moving further away and we feel like we'll never arrive. Hence we take little or no time for what we say is important and we accept a stressed out life as our norm.

While pursuing Success Without Sacrifice for myself, I help my clients do the same.

My clients are busy, often overwhelmed entrepreneurs who are also passionate about making a difference and fulfilling their “higher purpose”. Because of their passion and because they are eager to make their businesses successful, they are often sacrificing the rest of their lives along the way. I show up and help them change this pattern. I help them accelerate their success in business AND in life, so there is no more sacrifice.

This blog is dedicated to the Success Without Sacrifice conversation. I intend to explore this idea so we all learn what it takes to actually achieve this BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). I will introduce tools and resources I explore in my own pursuit of this goal and I will ask challenging questions so you can engage in the conversation.

Join me on this crusade and together we can create successful enterprises, healthier, happier people, happier families and, I believe, a more sustainable world!


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