Tony Robbins on Motivation in a Slump
Tony Robbins is one of my favourite personal improvement experts. In this clip, he talks about the importance of being emotionally fit. Emotional fitness gives us the ability to keep our business and life moving forward.
How emotionally fit are you? Do you let your emotions get the better of you? How is this affecting your business? How is this affecting your life?
Emotional fitness skills can be learned. In 1 session, I can give you a key tool for developing your emotional fitness!
To learn more, call Laura Watson toll free at: 877-669-8684 or email her at:
Laura Watson, ACC, MSW is President of Venture Coaching Inc., and was a finalist for the 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year Award. Venture Coaching provides leadership and business coaching programs to entrepreneurs. Venture Coaching provides the tools, process and support for new awareness, new choices and new results.